Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Presentation Skills for Everyone: Introduction

Presentation Skills for Everyone: Introduction
It used to be that giving Talks in front of a live audience was only expected of politicians, scholars, business execs and those with high public profiles.  But now it seems nearly all of us are expected to do this at some stage or other. Whether it is addressing a group at your childs schools, like a Parent and Friends Association meeting, outlining some of the services your business provides to potential customers at a local fair or rallying people to get involved in a community initiative, the scenarios are endless and, it would seem, ever increasing.
My name is Lindy Deveraux and I want to welcome you to Presentation Skills for Everyone. I have delivered Presentation Skills Training to many people in many countries around the world. Mainly to people from the groups I mentioned earlier. Until now there has not been a viable way to get the same quality of information out to the huge amount of people who really need it. Being able to include video and other interactive material in Blogs and enhanced ebooks now makes that possible.
Most of the material available is geared towards the Business or Professional user. Whilst the steps are not dissimilar the information is usually couched in business jargon which alienates those of us that just want to have an entertaining and useful Talk or Presentation to deliver in a less formal setting. With this blog I to provide a set of tools that are easily applied to most of the circumstances where we find ourselves having to give a Presentation. 
There is nothing quite so painful as having to sit through an ill prepared or delivered Presentation. Yet, EVERYONE can be an Effective Presenter or Awesome Talker, as we like to call it. It is not rocket science. By simply following a few steps in the right order you can prepare a Talk or Presentation that your audience will find interesting and actually enjoy. 
This blog is going to reveal how to do this easily and effectively. I have developed the Talkers Template which is a step by step guide on how to prepare and deliver your Presentation. Over the next few weeks I will be taking you through these one at a time so that by the end you will have all the elements required to put together Presentations at any time in the future. 
Your feedback and questions about your own specific needs will help flesh out the information and make it even more relevant to everyone else using it. So I look forward to hearing from you along the way.  

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